Thursday, September 13, 2007


Gone are the days when I was not afraid to put myself forward and allow myself to be vulnerable. I have become a coward. I always put myself on the safe side. What has happened to me? I used to be a swashbuckler, fighting for what I wanted. I sometimes threw too much caution to the wind. I was reckless. I got into a lot of trouble, but I was happy. I felt alive.

I now feel too small for my dreams. Most of the time, I'm afraid to try. My grandiose visions have faded. I am now standing on the ruins of my broken dreams. At least, I'm still standing. Will I be able to rebuild what has been destroyed? I hope it's not too late for me to become what I've always dreamed of becoming.

I remember the poem that Lola Lily used to quote very often. One of the lines says: "You are as young as your dreams and as old as your despair." I must not allow myself to drown in despair. I need to keep myself afloat. I need faith and hope to buoy me up. I need courage to move forward.

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