Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I've been going through a lot lately, but I don't want to wallow in self pity. There must be a good reason why I'm going through all this.

I used to weep over my broken dreams. I think I've cried enough. I'd like to believe that God is preparing me for something big -- something even bigger than my most grandiose dreams. Sometimes I'm tempted to think that God is cruel. However, I must always remember that lemons have to be squeezed to get their juice out. In the same way, I think God is giving me a squeeze to get the best out of me.

As Author M.R. Kopmeyer once wrote, "When it gets darkest, the stars come out."

1 comment:

runnerfrog said...

"something even bigger than my most grandiose dreams"; yes, have you seen how you have this set of ideas and one day, love comes and strikes you in your head and the whole universe turns upside down and suddenly everything have perfect sense? it is that one's mind was interfering, until the heart finds what it needs, and the whole world finds a purpose, being the mirror of a set of virtues found in the presence of another human being that brings the piece of our hearts that was lacking in our pain, or our emptiness. one is never expecting that turn. it is absolutely unpredictable, but it comes to us all. the more open-minded the person, the stronger the effect, ha?
anyway, your way of thinking seems to be going over the right path.
your blog is such a good reading.
have a great weekend!