Thursday, September 6, 2007


Ryan, my best friend's brother, once made a comment about blogging. "I don't see why some people keep blogs. Perhaps they are just KSP." Perhaps he thinks it's not sensible for anyone to wear his/her heart on his/her sleeve online. I don't blame him. He's a guy; the members of the male species tend to keep their feelings to themselves.

Why do I blog? Is it because I am KSP? Maybe. Loneliness is what makes me want to share my thoughts and feelings online. Blogging affords me the opportunity to let my friends know what I really think and how I really feel. Don't we feel lonely when we can't let other people know what is truly in our minds and hearts? In face-to-face conversations, I am usually the listener. In my blog, I can let it all hang out without being overly concerned about how others would take what I have to say. Well, I don't see how my readers react to what I write; I don't see their faces!

As humans, we need to have a connection with other humans and we need different levels of connection. Intimacy is a need. I'm not just talking about intimacy in physical terms. Each of us needs to feel emotionally close to someone. I don't have anybody right now. I prefer to remain loveless and I will probably stay this way until I get over my most recent heart break.

My best friend seldom gets in touch with me which is quite understandable because she's busy being a wife and a call girl (a call center agent, you ninny!). She's in Northern Ireland with her husband. I miss her so much that sometimes my eyes brim with tears when I think of her.


This is actually a continuation of my Friendster blog. That blog still exists; I haven't deleted it. I'm glad to know that there are people who actually read my blog and appreciate what I write. I hope you'll enjoy this blog as much as you've enjoyed my other blog.

1 comment:

Simply Mari said...

Hi Diane,

Friend, I'll be adding a link to your blog from mine. Just in case you'd like to visit, the site is, I have a link to Mikee's blog there as well.

Happy Blogging!!!!
